Friday, May 18, 2012

Hop hop hop, Little Bunnies

⋆ Rabbits are classified as mammals
⋆ Throughout history the rabbit has been seen as a symbol for fertility
⋆ Rabbits have been commonly used in mythology and religion
⋆ There are around 180 different rabbit breeds worldwide
⋆ There are over 150 recognized rabbit coat colors and varieties
⋆ A male rabbit is a buck
⋆ A female rabbit is a doe 
⋆ A baby rabbit is a kit

⋆ Rabbits have 28 teeth
⋆ The backbone of a rabbit is very fragile and can break easily when handled improperly or dropped on its back
⋆  A rabbit has five toenails on its front two paws and four toenails on its back two feet = 18 toenails per rabbit
⋆ Adult bunnies can weigh between 2 lbs - 20 lbs depending on breed
⋆ The longest rabbit ears ever recorded measured up to be 31.125 inches long
⋆ The current world record for a rabbit long jump is 3 meters
⋆ The current world record for the rabbit high jump is 1 meter

⋆ Rabbits love to chew
⋆ Rabbits groom themselves
⋆  Rabbits can be litter trained.
⋆ Rabbits only sweat on the pads of their feet
⋆ Rabbits' teeth never stop growing
⋆ Rabbits do not vomit
⋆ Rabbits do not hibernate
⋆ Rabbits can suffer heat stroke
⋆ Rabbit droppings make an excellent garden fertilizer 
⋆ A rabbit will eat its own cecotropes (night droppings)- they are a valuable source of protein

⋆ Pet rabbits tend to live to be much older that wild rabbits
⋆ A pet rabbit can live as long as 10 years
⋆ Rabbits need hay to assist the digestive system and prevent fur balls in their stomach
⋆ When rabbits are happy, they will jump and twist, this is called a binky
⋆ Rabbits can interbreed with Hares
⋆ Domestic rabbits cannot breed with wild rabbits
⋆ Rabbits can start breeding as early as three to four months of age
⋆ Does will pull fur when pregnant to assist in the building of their nest
⋆ Mothers typically only feed their kits about 5 minutes a day

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