Monday, May 14, 2012

My Little Fellow, Penguin ^‿^

❄ There are 18 species of penguins in the world
❄ They are the most recognizable and beloved birds
❄ Penguins are carnivore
❄ They feed on fish, cephalopods, and krill
❄ They eat snow as a source of fresh water
❄ Penguins' eyes work better underwater

❄ The Emperor Penguin is the largest penguin
❄ The yellow-eyed penguin are the rarest
❄ Penguins are highly social, colonial birds
❄ A wild penguin can live 15-20 years
❄ They take little naps in the water instead
❄ Penguins use sign language to communicate
❄ They wave their flippers and move their head to "talk" with each other
❄ Daddy penguin is very involved in the process of hatching the egg and take care of baby penguin
❄ Mommy and daddy penguin will take turns warming the egg and searching for food
❄ When it gets too cold, all the dads will huddle together to keep the egg warm
❄ The fastest swimming and deepest diving species of any birds
❄ They lost their ability to fly millions of years ago
❄ Penguins are warm-blooded birds as human but still lay eggs

❄ Their natural enemies are Leopard Seal and Giant Petrels
❄ Penguins have short leg and no knees
❄ If they lose a chick, they will stole from other mother
❄ They can walk faster than humans even they seem to waddle while walking
❄ They float on water and enjoy that
❄ They can hold their breath for 20 minutes underwater

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