Friday, May 18, 2012

Koala Bear, The Sleepy-Head

☞ Koala is a mammal
☞ They are warm-blooded
☞ Koala lives on the East Coast of Australia
☞ They live and sleep in the eucalyptus trees, it's hot, light, and dry there
☞ Koala is called a koala bear is because they looks like a teddy bear
☞ Extra thick fur, especially on the neck and shoulders, helps protect the koala from even the worst weather (koalas do not build nests)
☞ The koalas have white on the underside and gray on the rest of its body

☞ Pear-shaped body provides stability while they sit on trees 
☞ Opposable thumbs and toes allow for a tight grip when climbing
☞ Rough pads on under surface of hands and feet increase traction while the koala is climbing
☞ The koala might look cuddly but they have very sharp teeth and very sharp claws
☞ The koalas has big ears and big nose
☞ Large nose with sensitive hairs enables the koala to detect differences in smell between eucalyptus leaves, ensuring their diet consists of only the best bunch 
☞ Cheek pouches allow animal to store food not yet chewed while moving to a safer or more protected location 
☞ The koala cools itself by licking it arms and stretching out as it rests in the trees 

☞ The adult koala gets 25 to 30 inches long
☞ The koala weighs 15 to 30 pounds
☞ Koalas breed in the summer
☞ Mother koala has a pouch
☞ Koala babies are known by several names - "pouch young", "back young", "joeys", and "cubs"
☞ One cub is born at a time
☞ Koalas usually only have one cub per year
☞ Older females will usually have one every two years
☞ The koala cub is very small when it's just born
☞ When koalas are born they are only 2 cm long, which is about the same as a jellybean

☞ The koala cub is blind when it's born 
☞ Cubs drink milk from their mother
☞ The koala cub stays in the mother's pouch for 5 months 
☞ Koalas need strong muscles ringing the pouch to keep the young one from falling out
☞ The koala leaves the pouch first at about 5.5 months, permanently at about 8 months
☞ After leaving the pouch, the koalas feed on mixed diet of milk and leaves, grow fast and travel clinging to their mother's back
☞ The young joey then clings to it's mother's back or stomach, sticking it's head into the pouch to feed
☞ They leaves home to take care of itself at about 1 year old 

☞ Koalas live for 20 or more years
☞ Koala's life span is about 12+ years (wild) and 16+ years (captivity)
☞ Koalas have no sweat glands
☞ Koalas can run as fast as a rabbit
☞ Koalas sleep for up to 19 hours
☞ Koalas are clumsy
☞ They are a good swimmer
☞ They live in loose-knit groups if enough suitable trees there are present, but only one animal per tree
☞ Koalas also communicate with each other by making a noise like a snore and then a belch, known as a "bellow"

☞ The koala only eats eucalyptus leaves and it eats so many leaves, it smells like the leaves
☞ The koala hops from tree to tree and climbs the trees to get the leaves
☞ It uses its claws to get the branches and get the leaves
☞ The koala will eat 2.5 pounds of food a day
☞ The nutrition they get from these leaves is poor, it only gives them little energy, so they spend most of their lives sleeping

☞ Koalas don't normally need to drink as they get all the moisture they need from the gum leaves
☞ The koala used to be endangered because people would kill the koala for its fur
The smallest live in North Queensland and weigh only 5.5 kg
 ☞ The largest koalas weigh over 10 kg and are found in Victoria

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