Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Oink.. oink Meet The Piggy

✿ A pig is also called hog, swine, sow (female), boar (male), piglet (young)
✿ When it gets too hot, they will just roll in the mud. Not to get dirty, but to be cool
✿ Mud protects pigs against flies and parasites and being used as sunscreen which protects their skin  from sunburn
✿ Pigs do not sweat because they don't have sweat glands
✿ Pigs are easier to teach tricks than dogs. They can fetch papers and be potty trained
✿ Pigs are the 5th most intelligent animal in the world
✿ They will respond to their own names after only a couple weeks 
✿ Pig's insulin is used to control diabetes
✿ Baby pigs are very greedy, they can double up their weight after only a week
✿ Pigs have a well developed sense of smell

✿ A mature pig has 44 teeth
✿ The average sow gives birth 8-12 pigs at a time
✿ A pig's squeal can be louder then supersonic airliner
✿ Pigs live about 15 years (average)
✿ Even though pigs have 4 toes, they only walk on the 2 middle toes so they look as if they're tiptoeing

✿ A pig can run a 7 minutes mile
✿ A full grown pig  can drink up to 14 gallons of water per day
✿ Pigs are incapable of looking up
✿ They like to cuddle with each other when they're sleeping
✿ Pigs are fantastic swimmer
✿ Pigs generally not a mean-spirited animal
✿ Pig's nose and eyes are very powerful
✿ A pig's tail can come in 3 varieties : kinky, straight, or curly
✿ Pigs are not picky eater
✿ A pig's small lungs makes them highly susceptible to pneumonia and bronchitis

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