Friday, May 18, 2012

Don't Mess With The Kangaroos

♣ There are over 60 species of kangaroos
♣ Kangaroos are gentle herbivores
♣ Male kangaroos are known as Bucks, Boomer, or Jacks
♣ Females are known as Does, Flyers, or Jills
♣ A kangaroo can jump 45 feet
♣ They can hop up to 60 km/h
♣ The faster kangaroos hop, the less energy they use
♣ They can draw enough moisture out of their food to go for long periods without water
♣ They will dig their own water wells when they need water
♣ The kangaroo has a chambered stomach, much like sheep and cows

♣ They are a good swimmers
♣ When they are in danger, they will beat the ground with their hind feet
♣ Kangaroos cannot move backwards
♣ Their extremely long feet make them incapable of walking
♣ Kangaroos generally stand upright and use their long thick tails as support-like a third leg-when standing or fighting, and for balance when hopping
♣ The Red Kangaroos are the largest of all kangaroos
♣ A female Red Kangaroo is the fastest of all kangaroos

♣ All kangaroos are marsupials with pregnancies as brief as 33 days
♣ Baby kangaroos are called joeys
♣ A newborn kangaroo weighs approximately 0.03 ounces, it's about the size of a cherry and small enough to fit in a teaspoon
♣  Hairless, blind, and still far from developed, the newborn will crawl up the outside of its mother's belly until it enter her pouch
♣ It takes several months until the young is covered in fur
♣ The joey usually stays in his mother pouch for 9 to 18 months, depending on species
♣ Even after the joey has moved out, it will continue drink milk from the pouch

♣ Kangaroos mate again as soon after a joey is born, but the development of the second embryo stops, or rather, is paused after a few days
♣ If a joey is lost, or if one has grown up and left the pouch, they can immediately give birth again
♣ When kangaroos give birth again, one of their teats will continue to produce a high carbohydrate milk for the older joey
♣ The new baby will attach itself to another teat that produces a different kind of milk with a higher fat content
♣ A female kangaroo can have three babies at the same time, an older joey living outside the pouch but still drinking milk, a young one in the pouch attached to a teat, and an embryo awaiting birth

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